Enviar email usando a classe CL_BCS é muito fácil, correto?
Mas e enviar email com arquivos anexos? Tem como fazer com a CL_BCS?
Sim, tem como e é barbada também. Precisamos apenas de um método a mais para anexar arquivos no nosso email. Ah, e claro, precisamos preencher uma tabela interna com o conteúdo do arquivo que será anexado ao email.
Segue exemplo abaixo:
*& ABAP Sample Code
*& Send email with attachments using CL_BCS
*& Maurício Lauffer - Brazil - 04.16.2014
*& http://www.linkedin.com/in/mauriciolauffer
*& This sample explains how to send an email with attachment
*& using class: CL_BCS
REPORT zsend_email_attachment.
gc_subject TYPE so_obj_des VALUE 'ABAP Email (attachment) with CL_BCS', " Email subject
gc_email_to TYPE adr6-smtp_addr VALUE 'frodo.baggins@lotr.com', " Valid email
gc_text TYPE soli VALUE 'Hello world! My first ABAP email with attachment!', " Text used into the email body
gc_type_raw TYPE so_obj_tp VALUE 'RAW', " Email type
gc_att_type TYPE soodk-objtp VALUE 'PDF', " Attachment type
gc_att_subject TYPE sood-objdes VALUE 'Document in PDF'. " Attachment title
gt_text TYPE soli_tab, " Table which contains email body text
gt_attachment_hex TYPE solix_tab, " Table which contains the attached file
gv_sent_to_all TYPE os_boolean, " Receive the information if email was sent
gv_error_message TYPE string, " Used to get the error message
go_send_request TYPE REF TO cl_bcs, " Email object
go_recipient TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs, " Who will receive the email
go_sender TYPE REF TO cl_sapuser_bcs, " Who is sending the email
go_document TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs, " Email body
gx_bcs_exception TYPE REF TO cx_bcs.
"Create send request
go_send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
"Email FROM...
go_sender = cl_sapuser_bcs=>create( sy-uname ).
"Add sender to send request
go_send_request->set_sender( i_sender = go_sender ).
"Email TO...
go_recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( gc_email_to ).
"Add recipient to send request
i_recipient = go_recipient
i_express = abap_true
"Email BODY
APPEND gc_text TO gt_text.
go_document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
i_type = gc_type_raw
i_text = gt_text
i_length = '12'
i_subject = gc_subject ).
"You should populate the table gt_attachment_hex
"with the binary data from your file!
"For example: gt_attachment_hex = binary_data_from_file.
i_attachment_type = gc_att_type
i_attachment_subject = gc_att_subject
i_att_content_hex = gt_attachment_hex
"Add document to send request
go_send_request->set_document( go_document ).
"Send email and get the result
gv_sent_to_all = go_send_request->send( i_with_error_screen = abap_true ).
IF gv_sent_to_all = abap_true.
WRITE 'Email sent!'.
"Commit to send email
"Exception handling
CATCH cx_bcs INTO gx_bcs_exception.
gv_error_message = gx_bcs_exception->get_text( ).
WRITE gv_error_message.
Easy like a sunday morning...
Link do código no GitHub: